Wednesday morning I pulled the plug of VA/Per mix from the press, rubbed it out, fluffed it u, gave it a couple spritzes of bourbon, and put it back int eh press for a few more hours. Yesterday evening I dried some out and gave it a try.
It’s still a pretty strong mix. Not necessarily the nicotine content, though that is higher than the English mix. The tobacco taste is quite forward. The Perique component is now about where I’d want it, I think. Smoking it in a corncob, I got an occasional little hint of cigar flavor, or something a little sweeter. It seemed to improve quite a bit about halfway through the bowl. This one is pretty interesting. I can’t see it becoming a favorite every day smoke, but for those times when I want something very straightforward and fairly strong, this would fit the bill. I doubt I’ll make more of it, but I’ll definitely continue down the VA/Per path to see if I can make something really good. At least now I know that probably 25% Perique is about as high as I’d want to go. I think I’ll take some of it up to Ted’s Tobacco and see if Jay, the owner, wants to give his opinion on it. He’s got a lot of experience and is a VA/Per fan with a very high nicotine tolerance ( the guy smokes a lot of cigars and pipe tobacco). I’m just interested to know what he thinks. Honestly, I just wish I hadn’t put anything in with the Cavendish leaf when I steamed it. I think it would be better if it had nothing, instead of the molasses and vanilla and whatever else I used. Live and learn, right?
On the flip side, I also finished off the bowl of English blend I’d started. The more I smoke that, the better I like it. I’ll probably make some tweaks here and there, but at this point I’m really not sure what they will be. I’ve got about 30 to 35 grams left, which is quite a bit for an experimental exercise — enough for a dozen to maybe as much as a dozen and a half pipes full. By then I hope to have figured out what adjustments I want to make. For sure the next batch will be made with a more floral Oriental, like Izmir or Basma in place of the Samsun.