Another maple syrup fizzle

I’m just a little bummed. For the second year in a row, it seems we got shorted on maple syrup. We had a bit over a week that the sap was running well, and I managed to boil down roughly 10-12 gallons of sap for a measly three pints of syrup.  Which is actually pretty good, considering these are silver maples, but still… we had a week of good weather for it (30s/40s during the day and below freezing at night), then a week and a half or more of sub-freezing deep cold, and then launched straight into 40s-50s-60s.  I was really hoping to get a gallon or two of syrup this year.  I know, Nebraska isn’t known for its maple syrup production, but the late winter weather this year and last just has not been cooperative.

Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon! I woke up this morning to see that a couple gallons of sap had collected in the bags on the trees. Even the red maple dripped enough yesterday afternoon and overnight to at least match its total output so far this year. Maybe things are looking up after all.