Bayou Morning

Man, if you’re going to smoke this stuff you’d better really love Perique. 25 percent of it is straight out of Louisiana.

I’ve had this stuff sitting in a sealed jar for well over two years now. The first time I tried it, I did so right after half a bowl of Haunted Bookshop. Both of them have a pretty stout nicotine kick, and I spent the next couple of hours fighting the urge to puke. Not a good scene. Anyway, if you’re used to smoking a lightweight aromatic like Lane 1-Q (aka Captain Black), a perique heavy blend like this will kind of punch you in the face. As a result, I’ve shied away from it until now.

Last night I loaded up a corncob with some and dived in. Cautiously. It’s not bad. It is quite strong, but it’s the Perique spice and not the nicotine. It’s honestly more Perique than I’d prefer at this point, but I’m wondering how it would do mixed 50/50 with my own home grown Virginia, now that it’s got a bit over a year of age on it. I’m planning to press another batch of VA flake before long; I’ll probably try some with some Bayou Morning mixed in to make my own VA/Per and see how that works.