I pulled the spiles (taps) from the maple trees today after emptying the bags one last time. When the day’s boiling was done I combined all of the syrup I’d made in a large pan. Then I checked and corrected the sugar content using my maple syrup hydrometer to make sure it was right on the money (it was), heated it up, and filtered it. Once that was finished I poured it into 12 ounce bottles, brought them up to a bit over 180, and capped them all.
I ended up with about 100 ounces of syrup. I thought I’d hit the one gallon mark, but I guess either the markings on the 1 qt Ball jars are off, or I lost more than I thought to finishing and filtering. I filled up 8 bottles and added the last cup or so to the partial bottle we have in teh fridge from the 2023 season, since I didn’t tap the trees last year.
In hindsight, I probably let the taps go a day or two longer than I should have. The syrup is darker than before, and has a stronger flavor. It’s not bad, not “off”, but I’m not as fond of it as I was the last batch. Next year I’ll pull them at the first signs of buds on the trees. We went from 0 to full buds in about a day or so, and I wasn’t paying close enough attention — or maybe I just thought I could squeak one more day of sap in.
The Orlon filter is draining upside-down on top of the filter holder now, and it looks a bit like an albino Sorting Hat. I saw an idea for a filter holder that I may use next year if I don’t come up with something better. I need something to hold it higher so it isn’t sitting in the syrup as it tries to empty.
I believe I’m getting right at a 40:1 ratio of sap to syrup, or very close to it. Next year I’m definitely tapping that second red maple; once it finally started producing, the one in teh back yard did pretty well, and I don’t know for sure but I think the sugar content of the red maple tree was higher than that of the silver maples. I can’t say exactly why I think that’s the case, but it’s just the impression I get. I may pick up a refractometer for next year, just so see what I’m dealing with. They are pretty cheap. I have one for antifreeze, may as well have one for sap, right?
Anyway, I’m pretty satisfied with the results this year. I got the trees tapped early enough to catch the beginning of the sap season. I tapped three trees instead of two. I found a slightly better solution for boiling – the stock pot has more surface area than the turkey fryer pot, so the water evaporates more quickly. We got more syrup than the last time, though I’d still like to hit at least a gallon next year if I can. It’s not that we use a lot of maaple syrup, I just like the challenge.