The office is coming along

We went to Ikea while we were in Minneapolis for a wedding.   I had heard a lot about Ikea, and most of what we saw was some fairly good quality stuff.   There was some dorm room quality stuff I wasn’t too impressed with, but for the most part it seemed to be an excellent value.

We settled on a Galant desk system for the office.   Unfortunately, one piece of the desk top is too big to ship UPS, so the shipping cost was going to be $300…   and we had driven Lisa’s car instead of the pickup.   Oh well.   I have ordered all the frame and leg pieces, and will be making the desk top myself out of some birch plywood.   The only part giving me any concern is a large radius cut for the top, and how to treat the edges.   I’m leaning toward some hot-glue veneer edge band, mostly because of that radius.

In the mean time, the floor is looking good and my buddy Stu tells me some satin polyurethane will touch up the finish if I need to do any trimming or sanding.   Have not gotten on the air yet, but it’s coming one of these days.   Oh, and the Fusion averaged about 36 MPG for the trip.   38 on the way up with a tail wind, 34 on the way back with a headwind.   It was getting around 36 each way on the east/west legs, with a slight crosswind.