Oliver (Bellevue Little Theatre)

Lisa & I saw Oliver last Friday evening, and I have to say the newspaper reviews were pretty much spot on.   The show was really good, we would have enjoyed it even if our daughter hadn’t been in it.   She, of course, was far and away the best singer in the cast; there was some mighty fine acting going on as well.   Denny Maddux did a fantastic job as Fagin, especially. Tim Vallier plays Bill Sykes, and does it so well you can barely understand the thick Cockney accent…   but you’ll hate his guts just the same.

There are a lot of younger actors in this production, and they do an outstanding job.   The picks for Oliver and the Artful Dodger (Max Hauze and Brock McCullough) were right on the money.   There really weren’t any flat spots in the show – other than the scene changes, done in full view of the audience by the cast & crew.   For a moment there I thought we might be watching a Snap! production, but Fagin & Sykes weren’t eyeing each other lustfully.

If you can get a ticket, do so.   You won’t be sorry.