Since I’ll have a nice new desk/operating table in a few days (mine is customized and even bigger than the picture) I’m making plans for the new, reborn ham station. So far what I have planned is:
- Kenwood TS-850SAT for HF CW, SSB, SSTV, RTTY, PSK
- 40 meter full-wave horizontal loop antenna for 40-10 meters
- FT-817ND for VHF/UHF (primary use) and HF QRP (secondary)
I have not decided yet whether to put the HW-16/HG-10B combo up here or not. It depends on how much room I have to work with after everything else is in place. I am also debating the VHF antenna issue. I have a J-pole I can use, and a quarter wave vertical would be trivial to build for use inside the room. There’s also a QST article about a quadrifilar helix that looks very interesting; I could put it in a corner and disguise it as a room decoration.