Got up early this morning to make it out to the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club’s hamfest. It was pretty much a bust as far as sales, and to be perfectly honest it was about as small and sparsely attended as any I have seen. Still, it was nice to see some of the guys, and I did pick up a couple of cheap LED flashlights.
Got home and put a coat of clear polyurethane on the new desk. I hope it’s the last coat, but I’m not too confident about that. It’s looking pretty well, the 400 grit sanding between coats of clear satin are doing wonders for the finish. I’m hoping to get it brought up and put together tonight.
Then I mowed the lawn, front & back, and trimmed some tree branches that were hanging too low to suit me. Our grand-niece Natalie was over for a while, so I pulled the Vespa out & we went for a little putt around the neighborhood… her first time on a scooter, I’m sure! The Vespa ran surprisingly well, and started right up the second time after I fixed a bad fuel line. I think I’m going to put historical plates on it so it stays registered.