
More stuff going on than I can keep track of.   Prioritizing things becomes a real challenge.

  • Work (my day job)
  • HamGadgets – getting orders processed, assembling keyers, etc.   I try to keep up but sometimes get a few days behind.   I’m trying to get ahead of things, but it’s tough.
  • New product development for Hamgadgets.   I have two new products in the works and need to start two more.
  • Flying.   I joined Skyhawk Flying Club, so I’ve now got access to three new airplanes (one of which is a basic trainer).   I’m also flying with a new instructor, and it’s going really well.
  • Private pilot knowledge test study.   I really do need to take the knowledge test (used to be the “written” test, but now it’s all computerized) ASAP.   I just need another few hours of study.
  • I’m writing a Dummies book (no, nothing that would interest you).
  • Taking care of the yard, the house, etc.
  • Finishing up a couple of projects, including some register covers for Allison & Tom

There are probably things I’m missing…   I just don’t have time to write any more right now.