The garage madness continues

The past few days have been a lot of work.   Friday afternoon I rented a diamond grinder from Honeyman Rent-All and spent several hours grinding the floor.   I had to completely empty everything out of the garage into the driveway and yard.   Of course it all had to go back inside when I finished around 1 AM.

The diamond grinder was pretty easy to use.   It’s a little noisy, but not bad enough to get the neighbors complaining.   The hose connects directly to it to keep water flowing to keep the heat and dust down.   I was able to do all of the grinding, rinsing and squeegee-ing in about 4-5 hours.

Saturday I rinsed the floor and used the citric acid from the Rust-Oleum epoxy paint kit.   Probably unnecessary, but I had no other pressing need for two bags of citric acid.   It also cleaned up the inch or so that the grinder couldn’t get right up against the wall.   Then I spent another hour or two rinsing the floor, followed by the squeegee.   After the second round I used the shop vacuum to get it as dry as possible.   It’s looking pretty darned good right now, so Sunday will be painting day.   I have prepped both sides, but the third bay will have to wait.   I simply can’t empty everything out of the whole garage for a week.