Public Pulse

Had a letter to the Public Pulse published a week or so ago.   I had emailed them two; one on the DC V. Heller case, the other a response to yet another person whining about how Nebraska doesn’t allow casinos, which would of course solve ALL our problems.   Yeah, like they have for Iowa.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m no opposed to gambling on a moral basis or anything.   It’s a decision a responsible adult should be able to make on their own.   I’m just saying that overall, I don’t think the casino business is all that good for a state.   Jobs are created – but they’re mostly subsistence wage jobs.   There is money brought in from outlying areas, but it’s a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the money flowing out to the casino’s parent corporation.   The casinos, of course, take no responsibility for addressing the increase in crime, job loss, divorce, bankruptcy and other problems associated with gambling by those who get in over their heads.   There are those who remain convinced that the casinos have been a major boost for Iowa’s economy and quality of life –just as there are those who can plainly see that it’s just not the case.

Riding weather is back!

Well, so far we’ve been out on the bike once, and I’ve even had the Vespa out for a ride around the neighborhood. It’s supposed to hit 70 outside today, so it’s time to open up the windows and saddle up. I got the battery charged after finding it stone dead last night — that happens when you forget to turn off the ignition after you park it, duh. Seems to be OK, so we’ll see how that goes.

So, now it’s off to see how the roads are!

Is it Spring yet?

I keep waiting for things to warm up. It’s even cold (relatively) in North Carolina; when I went out to get some late dinner last night, I had to break the windshield wipers on the rental car loose. There was actual ice on the windshield; it was 30 or 31 degrees outside.

I’m more than ready to melt off the ice & snow, clean up the yard again, roll out the bike, tune up the air rifle for rabbit season and welcome the warmer weather. I believe our back yard may have become an actual glacier, so that may take a while to slide off into the fjord.

Consistency is the key.

I travel to Charlotte, NC fairly regularly. One thing that has been pretty consistent is the fact that it seems to rain almost every time I go there. This has not gone unnoticed; there was talk of bringing me back on consecutive weeks last summer when there was a drought killing off lawns down here.

Yesterday morning I was on a conference call and mentioned that I was leaving shortly to fly down to Charlotte.   One of my teammates there said, “Good, we need the rain”.   The weather was fine last night – but this morning, as I was walking from my car to the building… it started raining.

Consistency, that’s the key.

What a difference a day makes!

Wow. Yesterday it was 50 or above, snow melting, got the antenna feedpoint re-connected and actually grilled hamburgers on the gas grill outside! Pete took the dog out to the dog park, which was followed by a bath since he (Buddy, not Pete) came home looking like one giant mudball. What a nice day. Of course we had a small pond forming in the back yard, the joy of living at the bottom of a hill.

Now it’s 10 or below, the pond is now a glacier of solid ice, and it’s snowing. Wind is blowing like mad, it’s just cold as hell.

First day on the heat pump

The outside temp is finally over 20 degrees, so the heat pump has been running for the past couple of hours. Not bad… it’s a little odd to have what feels like barely-warm air coming out of the registers, but the noise level in the basement is a little lower (no gas burners or vent blower on), and the temperature is staying just as steady as with the furnace. We’ll see what the gas & electric bills look like.

Overall, the new system works much better than the old one. The temperature is staying much more constant, without the plus/minus couple of degrees we were seeing with the old furnace. I attribute that partly to the thermostat, and partly to the fact that the old furnace seemed to be just too big for the house. The air temp coming out of the old furnace was over 140 degrees F, so it would heat the house up in a BIG hurry. The downside was, it would also bump the thermal limit switch on a regular basis.   During the old furnace’s last day or two of life it was cycling on and off every 5-10 minutes and still not keeping the house up to the set temperature.

Baby, it’s cold outside

Three degrees F this morning, in fact.   That’s -16 to you Celsius speakers.   Damn cold.   Which is why it was especially bad when our furnace died last Friday.   We now have a nice, shiny new furnace and heat pump, installed yesterday as a couple of electric space heaters struggled valiantly to keep the parts of the house we were in above 60 degrees.   So far the new system seems to be working quite well.   It’s not quite as quiet as I had hoped, but it’s not bad.   Looks like the humidifier needs fixing as well, but it’s a minor thing.

All things considered, I’d much rather have the air conditioning conk out at 90 than the furnace die at 20.