Well, at least with my blog posts. I never seem to remember to update his thing when I should. Let’s see… in the past few months I have not blogged about…
- Lisa and I took the club 172 up to Norfolk for dinner. Unfortunately, we ended up having to call for Pete to come get us due to a minor nose gear malfunction. A couple of days later that was fixed, and I flew the plane home.
- We had a very nice vacation out in Breckenridge. Gil and Nina were nice enough to let us use their condo. We did some sightseeing, got rained on while riding a ski lift, went to Ikea in Denver, took a nice horseback ride, and generally had a really nice week. We got to have dinner with various Jaworskis on the way home. And… the truck averaged over 20 MPG for the entire trip. Not too shabby!
- Lisa and I went to the EAA Chapter 80 picnic down in Plattsmouth. We had a pretty good time; good food, good people. I got a ride in an RV-7, and I have to admit… I’m hooked. What a sweet flying airplane. Fast, light on the controls, it almost feels like there’s no limit to what you can do. I think the -9 or -9a would be about perfect for long trips.
- I managed to get the third garage bay cleared out enough to use part of it for work space. It’s not done by a long shot, but it’s a start. I got the workbench moved out from in front of the truck, so I can get to the far side without having to go through the “garage hallway” – meaning the back seat of the truck. I’m almost done refinishing the old stool Dad made for me back in the mid 1960s when I needed a higher chair to sit at the table. Holly seemed to like it quite a bit, so I think it’s going over to Andrew’s place when it’s finished.
- The kit business has been keeping me fairly busy. I’m trying to kill off one kit and introduce two or three more. It’s taking a lot of work.
Well, that just about catches it up, I guess. I’ll try to post more here… not that I expect anyone actually reads it!