I need to upgrade the wifi router in the house. The old Linksys WRT54G has been working for years, but it just can’t handle HD video streams. So, I went shopping for a new Linksys E4200 V2, which is supposed to be the baddest, fastest one out there. Dual band, 900 MBPS and all that.
Best Buy has the E4500, but I don’t want that one — it requires a constant connection to Cisco. WTF? Newegg was the same, only the E4500. No thanks. So I looked on eBay and Amazon. It seems that they go for $125 and up new, and around $80 or so on up used. I’m not in the mood to screw with someone else’s used router, so I was looking only at new and factory-refurbed.
Then I find the Linksys on line store… factory refurb, 30 day warranty, $79.99 with free shipping. Sold. Anyone want a nice, current generation WRT54G already loaded with DD-WRT? I have one for sale cheap. 🙂